What Are #BadgersAtHome Up To?!

We get it, the past month has been filled with unsettling statistics and everyone telling you that these are uncertain times.. It’s hard to watch the news, keep up on Twitter, or even have simple conversations without the mention of what is going on in the world. These times are challenging but, as Badgers, we know that good times are always to come and even though we are separated, the Badger spirit can bring us all together. That’s why, this week, the Office of Student Affairs has asked us to partner in their #BadgerAtHome Fest. We encourage all of you, whether near or far, to participate and spread some Badger pride even while social distancing.

We are sure you have seen the news headlines of people around the world trying to fill their days with anything to distract themselves from the current state of this global crisis. Through this, we have seen just how similar and connected we are to so many others around the world. The past two weeks, we asked Badgers what they are up to at home and how they are staying well. 

What do you miss most about UW-Madison?

No matter where you are now, we’re sure there is still some part of you on campus in Madison. The experiences of spring semester are unparalleled to anything else throughout the year. While this year may be different, these responses from Badgers will hopefully spark memories of spring in Madison.

  • Sunsets on the Memorial Union Terrace

  • Walking along the Lakeshore path to class

  • Hanging out with my friends at our favorite coffee shops on State Street

  • The capitol during golden hour

  • Seeing your friends on the street and stopping to talk for 5 minutes when you only have 2 to spare 

What have you been doing to alleviate stress during quarantine?

It’s undeniable that we’ve all been spending a lot more time online lately, whether that’s been in Zoom class meetings all day or watching TikToks until your eyes hurt at night, there are still things that we as students are responsible for. The switch to online, distant learning has been unique and rocky at times. Quarantine has certainly brought different kinds of stress for students but here are some ways that resilient Badgers are handling these times: 

  • Hugging those you are in quarantine with

  • “Surrounding myself with family”

  • “Looking at pictures with friends and reminiscing on good times”

  • “Staying close to my pillows and heating pad!”

What makes a place feel like home?

Home can mean so many things for all Badgers. Whether it’s the people, the experiences, the food, or the art you surround yourself with, Badgers are creating their sense of home wherever they are.

  • Yoga and lots of bubble baths

  • Cooking and taking walks

  • Puzzles, puzzles, and more puzzles

  • Brushing up on old skills like playing guitar or the ukulele

We know that emotions are running high and the uncertainties in these times are confusing. But, we want you to remember that we are all in this together, especially as Badgers. This soon shall pass but in the meantime, we can hold on to the dream of sunny days at the terrace enjoying a cup of Union Utopia from the Daily Scoop!