Choosing a Student Org

The decision to become a Wisconsin Badger is a big one. Each of us has different reasons for why we are here and what we want to do in our time on campus. Maybe you’ve just arrived at the university and you’re overwhelmed with the possibilities, longing to find some community to make campus feel smaller. Or, maybe you’ve been here for a while and you’re realizing that you want to have an impact on campus or find some way to leave your mark. 

Our advice: find a student org to join. Become a part of a community. Surround yourself with people that will make you happy, push you to be better, or help you to make a change. Your college experience is not just about what student orgs you are involved in or which clubs you devote most of your time to, but they can greatly enhance your time here AND influence how you become the best version of yourself.

A lot goes into choosing which community or group is right for you, so we compiled a list of things to think about to get you started:

  • Join an org whose mission you stand behind and are passionate about contributing to

This may seem like a simple one, but it’s important. Find a group of people who have a mission that you can identify with and relate to. This might be anything from loving cheese to preparing for a career in health, to fighting against sexual assault on campus. College seems to always be about building the perfect resume and sometimes this quest can blur our aspirations. Choose an org with a mission that really lights your fire, not just one that looks good on the resume.

  • Find a place where you would want to give back

Looking into your future on a certain org isn’t the easiest - that’s why you may need to do some research. But that research could make all the difference. There’s an age-old saying about involvement that goes something like “you will get out of this what you put into it.” Find a place where that give-and-take is an excitement for you. Maybe you’re busy with other commitments, and your availability for a student org is only an hour-long meeting every month; that’s okay! Just make sure that when you’re at that meeting, you actually want to be there. 

  • Do it for you

In the end, you are the master of your destiny and the captain of your ship. While it may seem like a simple task, thoughtfully choosing an org that is right for you will pay off in the end, we promise. Find a place where you feel celebrated, your hobbies fostered and your passions exemplified.

These simple pieces of advice can act as an outline for choosing a student org but are not the only things to take into consideration. Everyone will approach this in their own unique way and that is what makes student organizations so strong. Rely on yourself. This process is not solely about impressing people or building your resume, it’s about finding where you can grow and develop into the best person you can be during college.

Think WASB might be right for you? Check out our application and email us with any questions at 

WASB isn’t the one? That’s okay! Here are a few student orgs that WASBs also love to be a part of: